Jumble Face

Wheat Paste Anti Gallery envisions a summer overshadowed by the specter of conflict. Whether arising from cultural divides, mass immigration challenges, housing shortages, rising living costs, unemployment, overflowing food banks, civil unrest, propaganda, censorship, AI, or escalating geopolitical tensions leading to various forms of warfare - the prevailing theme  appears to revolve around conflict. You are encouraged to reflect on or craft your own narrative within this environment of turmoil. As technology advances and both corporate entities and governmental bodies exert influence in shaping a narrative of war, we find ourselves compelled to move to the dissonant rhythm of anger. The pace quickens as media, algorithms, and institutions amplify their impact. Wheat Paste Anti Gallery seeks a quiet retreat, choosing to fade into obscurity amidst growing conflict and division.
Some may revel in wars unfolding around them; while others seek peace and harmony…. I’m off to make beautiful wheat paste work  inconspicuously branded with the forgotten ancient word…. sortition.                         Jumble Face

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